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 Here are this week’s updates & reminders:

  1. Senior Important Dates:  Graduation Practices are mandatory (unless special arrangements have been made in advance): Tues. 5/25-10:00 a.m., Wed. 5/26-10:00a.m. at Blesch Field. The Graduation ceremony for the Class of 2021 will be on May 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Blesch Field. To plan for potential inclement weather, please email Nikki Mathieu with your students’ 3 guests in the event that the ceremony is moved to the HS gym.
  2. Summer HS Credit Recovery: we are partnering with Link Learning for summer credit recovery. Students may stop by the Guidance office this week to sign up for summer courses. Summer School runs from 6/14/21 through 7/30/21 (7/5/21-7/9/21 is off for Independence Day Break). All courses must be completed by 7/30/21. Please call the Guidance Office if you have any questions (863-7814 x5400).
  3. Exam Exemptions: All high school students must take at least 4 exams each semester. To qualify for the exam exemption privilege, a student must have: 3 or fewer excused absences, no unexcused absences, 2 or fewer tardies, and no suspensions. Forms must be signed by parents and teachers and returned to the main office by Thursday, May 27.
  4. Final Exam Schedule: The schedules for the final exams are attached. HS Sem. #2 Exam Schedule  Jr. High Sem. #2 Exam Schedule  The last day of school, Friday, June 4, is an early release day. Students should attend all classes that final day and the schedule for 25-min. class periods is attached. June 4 Early Release Schedule   Lockers will be cleaned out that day and any projects/coursework should be picked up and taken home. Students will be dismissed at 11:26 on the last day.
  5. Chromebooks & Chargers:  We will be collecting school-issued Chromebooks and chargers starting next Tuesday, June1. All devices must be returned to the office prior to leaving for summer break.
  6. Yearbook Orders: Order forms for the 2020-21 Maroon Yearbook are available in the main office. The cost is $40 (or less if you order online at: All orders are due by this Friday. Please contact Mrs. Karen Owens if you have any questions.
  7. NWEA Spring State Testing: the following assessments are scheduled to be completed by May 27; testing will take place beginning at 8:15 a.m. each of these days. Virtual students may access the NWEA tests online from home.
  • Tues. May 25: Gr 9 NWEA Math
  • Wed. May 26: Gr 10 NWEA ELA
  • Thurs. May 27: Gr 10 NWEA Math
  • Students will be contacted for make-up testing.

Let's finish strong!

Drew Buyarski, Principal

Peggy Grille, Administrator