Aurora Medical Center Bay Area student-athlete sports physicals include a full health screening, a vision exam, and musculoskeletal screening.
Each parti...
A GREAT big THANK YOU to all our staff at Menominee Area Public Schools . For all you give, for all you do, for working hard, for being you. For being there day in and day o...
Blesch is thrilled to report that we earned more than $12,000 at this year’s Knowledge-a-Thon! It was a very successful year! We would like to thank all those who participated in ...
Kindergarten Registration for the 22-23 school year will be Tuesday, May 24th and Wednesday, May 25th at Central Elementary Gym. Children must be 5 years old before September 1, 2...
Good afternoon all: I just wanted to quickly touch base with everyone so that everyone is up-to-date and aware of the current plan for the transitioning of the superintendent. I ...
Do It For Daniel Presentation
April 11th , 2022
MAPS have decided to hold an assembly on April 11th, 2022 regarding anxiety/depression, the stigma of mental illness, and i...
Leadership class is raising funds for World Central Kitchen to help Ukraine. World Central Kitchen Helps Feed Thousands Fleeing Ukraine
MHS Supports Ukraine
Job Description
The Menominee Area Public School District seeks qualified ca...
To: Parents, Guardians, and Students of Menominee Area Public Schools,
Please allow me to clear up some confusion that I know some of you are experiencing with regard to our sa...
Menominee Area Public Schools Stakeholder Survey for ESSER III Funds The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an undeniably difficult situation for many in our MAPS community and in our...
Menominee Area Public Schools - Superintendent Search 2021
Community Survey
The Board of Education for Menominee Area Public Schools is searching for a new Superi...
Menominee will host Calumet at Blesch Field this Friday, October 29th. Kickoff is scheduled for 6:00 PM CST.
Tickets will be sold via the GoFan app below and are available ...
During the last week of the 2020-2021 school year at Blesch Intermediate School the students participated in virtual field trips by grade level to learn about different types of s...
Menominee Jr/Sr High School's Introduction to Health Occupations class led by instructor Leslie Johnson recently finished the year learning about veterinary careers. Activitie...