Denise Miller had one ASL student and Cheryl Kakuk had 7 French students. We started in the south of France in Avignon, had their family stay in Lyon and finished the trip in Paris. It was a fantastic 2 weeks!
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
France 1-
France 2
France 3
France 4
Blesch is thrilled to report that we earned more than $12,000 at this year’s Knowledge-a-Thon! It was a very successful year! We would like to thank all those who participated in this year's event. We would like to thank all our veteran teachers, retired admin, and past board members that volunteered their time to read the questions to our students. We would like to thank our local McDonald’s that contributed ice-cream prizes for the day. We would especially like to thank our students, our families, our staff, our high school student council, and our community for participating, contributing, and supporting this year’s Knowledge-a-Thon. Many hours are put into organizing this event and we appreciate everyone's support. 100% of the money earned will go towards Blesch students. Thank you Sue Blake for all your hard work in planning this event . Greatly appreciated!
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
KAT -Teachers
KAT-Group Picture
Student and Teacher -KAT 1
Student and Teacher -KAT 2
Menominee High School Junior Prom, "A Night in Europe", is this Saturday April 30. Grand March is 6:30-8:00 in the Gym. Students should arrive by 5:45 pm to start lining up. Juniors can buy up to 4 tickets from Anna Slawinski on Wednesday or Thursday for $2 each for Grand March. People with these tickets will be allowed in at 5:45pm. Others can buy tickets starting at 6:00pm on Saturday. The dance is off site with students admitted starting at 7:30pm.
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
Kindergarten Registration for the 22-23 school year will be Tuesday, May 24th and Wednesday, May 25th at Central Elementary Gym. Children must be 5 years old before September 1, 2022. Please call the school at 906-863-3605 to schedule your 45 minute registration and screening time today! **On the day of the screening/registration, you will need to bring: - Your child! - Parent/Guardian to complete registration form - Proof of residency (utility bill, driver's license, lease, etc.) - Immunization Records - Birth Certificate - Emergency Contact Information (every child needs to have at least one non-parent that lives within a 30 min. radius of Central in case of an emergency) We look forward to your child joining the Central Elementary Mini Maroons!
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
Kindergarten Registration Pic
MAPS just celebrated Poisson d'avril in Mme Kakuk French classes Friday, April 8th. It is very much like April Fool's Day but the big prank, in France and other francophone countries, on "le premier avril", is to put a paper fish on someone's back without them knowing it! We had fun making paper fish and eating fishy snacks.
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
 Poisson d'avril 1
 Poisson d'avril 2
MAPS upper level French students attending the musical Moulin Rouge in Chicago.
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
Moulin Rouge 1
Moulin Rouge 2
MHS Leadership class is raising funds for World Central Kitchen to help Ukraine. World Central Kitchen Helps Feed Thousands Fleeing Ukraine MHS Supports Ukraine
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
MHS Supports Ukraine
MHS Supports World Central Kitchen in Ukraine
Continued Mardi Gras in French class! Crowned Royalty for the day!
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
Amelie et moi
Mardi Gras in French class! Crowned Royalty for the day!
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
Solene et amies
MAPS Leadership class on their Annual Ski Trip to Pine Mountain last week
almost 3 years ago, Tracy Waelchli
Ski Trip to Pine  Mountain
Pine Mountain Cafe
Pine Mountain Skiing & Snowboarding
Leadership Class Pine Mountain Ski Tri p
Menominee Area Public Schools Board of Education voted unanimously this evening to rescind the mask mandate and alter the contact tracing and testing procedures that have been in place since October 2021. Effective Thursday, February 17th, 2022 masking for all students, staff, faculty, and visitors will be optional in all school buildings and school transportation. Families will continue to be notified of possible close contacts and rapid testing will still be available upon request.
almost 3 years ago, Randy Crozier
Subject: MAPS Safety Measures Dec. 20-22 Menominee Area Public Schools is committed to the health and safety of all our students and staff. We want to thank you for your cooperation with our increased safety measures today at each building. The day went extremely well across the district and we thank the Menominee City Police Department for their presence and collaboration. In light of the events around the nation and locally, we would like to continue with the following safety measures until winter break (December 20-22): All students will enter their school building through one dedicated location. All Central students will enter through the main entrance, all Blesch students will enter through the Commons area, and all High School students will enter through the main gym doors. There will be no off campus at lunch for any high school students. Backpacks will not be permitted in any building. Please bring any materials needed for school in clear/plastic bags, this includes winter gear, snacks/lunches, and/or clothing/gear for extracurricular activities. As always we thank you for your continued support and if you or your child hear of any information that could be perceived as a threat, please reach out to the Menominee City Police Department at 906-863-5568 or anonymously to Crimestoppers at
about 3 years ago, Randy Crozier
Potential Threat 12-17-21 Dear Parents and Guardians, Menominee Area Public Schools has been notified of a Tik Tok challenge currently posted on social media that potentially could be perceived as a threat to the safety of our students and staff. Working in conjunction with the Menominee City Police Department, all MAPS students will NOT be permitted to bring any type of backpack to school tomorrow. We encourage all elementary students to wear their winter clothes to school. All students will enter their school building through one dedicated location. All Central students will enter through the main entrance, all Blesch students will enter through the Commons area, and all High School students will enter through the main gym doors. There will be no off campus at lunch for any high school students. As always we thank you for your continued support and if you or your child hear of any information that could be perceived as a threat, to please reach out to the Menominee City Police Department at 906-863-5568 or anonymously to Crimestoppers at
about 3 years ago, Randy Crozier
Marinette Police Department will be conducting training using Blesch school this evening. If you are traveling by the school you may see large amounts of police cars. Again, this is only training and there is no need to be alarmed. Mr. Martin
about 3 years ago, Menominee Area Public Schools
Hello, Menominee Area Public Schools will be canceled for Monday 12-6-2021 due to weather and road conditions. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, Randy Crozier
Wellness Weekend - December 10th - 12th
about 3 years ago, Menominee Area Public Schools
Wellness  Weekend
Menominee will host Calumet at Blesch Field this Friday, October 29th. Kickoff is scheduled for 6:00 PM CST. Tickets will be sold via the GoFan app below and are available for purchase beginning Monday afternoon.
over 3 years ago, Randy Crozier
As a reminder, Menominee Area Public Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, October 8th for previously scheduled staff professional development.
over 3 years ago, Menominee Area Public Schools
Just a reminder, We will have rescheduled Parent-Teacher Conference for tomorrow to make up for Tuesday. We have our yearly book-fair set up in the library so please come in and check out some of the newest books your children may be reading. All profits go directly to supporting our school library and helps us get books in student hands.
over 3 years ago, Menominee Area Public Schools
Unfortunately, Menominee Area Public Schools will be closed again tomorrow, Tuesday, October 5th due to staffing shortages. We anticipate that school will be back in session on Wednesday and apologize for the inconvenience. Blesch Parent Teacher Conferences scheduled for Tuesday evening will be rescheduled for Thursday at the same time.
over 3 years ago, Menominee Area Public Schools