2nd Vaccination Clinic on May 18 for 16-17 year olds: Students who received the first round of the Pfizer vaccine at the clinic held on April 27th should have their cards for the second round of shots on Tues., May 18, from 2-6:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please call PHDM at (906)786-4111 or (906)863-4451.
over 3 years ago, Menominee Jr/Sr High School
Senior Exams: May 19-21
(Once the exam is taken in a class, the senior no longer attends that class.)
Wed. 5/19 - 1st-6th hrs regular classes, exam 7th hr.
Thur. 5/20 - attend 1st-6th hrs; exams during 1st, 3rd, 5th hrs.
Fri. 5/21 - exams only - 2nd, 4th, & 6th hrs (unless still finishing coursework with a teacher).
over 3 years ago, Menominee Jr/Sr High School
“Legally Blonde” (Rebooted & Re-bleached): MHS Music Dept. will once again be presenting Legally Blonde on Blesch stage this coming June 10th – 13th after stopping the production on March 12, 2020. The old 2020 tickets may be exchanged at Jack’s Fresh Market or the HS Office for the performance of their choice. The seven show dates and times are: June 10th at 7pm; June 11th at 2pm & 7pm; June 12th at 2pm & 7pm; and June 13 at 2pm & 7pm. Tickets are now on sale and may sell quickly due to limited audience size. All purchased tickets are non-refundable.
over 3 years ago, Menominee Jr/Sr High School
Summer HS Credit Recovery
We are partnering with Link Learning for summer credit recovery. Students may stop by the Guidance office this week to sign up for summer courses. Summer School runs from 6/14/21 through 7/30/21 (7/5/21-7/9/21 is off for Independence Day Break). All courses must be completed by 7/30/21. Please call the Guidance Office if you have any questions (863-7814 x5400).
over 3 years ago, Menominee Jr/Sr High School
GoFan will be used for track Regionals ticketing. Tickets are available now – there are no access codes.
Track & Field Meet Region 41 Link:
Good morning Menominee Jr/Sr High families. This message is about our third round of NWEA testing which will be reported to the state. 7th grade students will begin testing tomorrow morning at 8:15 with their reading test. They will have their math test at the same time on Tuesday. The 8th grade students will test on Wednesday and Thursday. Students will get a link and sign in information sent to their school email. All students should take the tests at their scheduled time. Virtual students and students who are at home can take the test at home. 9th and 10th grade students will test next week. Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
over 3 years ago, Menominee Jr/Sr High School
20/21 Spring NWEA Testing Schedule:
May 17 - 7th Grade ELA
May 18 = 7th Grade Math
May 19 - 8th Grade ELA
May 20 - 8th Grade Math
May 24 - 9th Grade ELA
May 25 - 9th Grade Math
May 26 - 10th Grade ELA
May 27 - 10th Grade Math
All tests will begin at 8:15 a.m.
over 3 years ago, Menominee Jr/Sr High School
Just a friendly reminder that there is only a half-day of school on Friday, May 14th. Teachers and principals will be engaged in professional learning in the afternoon. Each building principal will communicate dismissal times and lunch information for this day. Have a great week!
over 3 years ago, Menominee Area Public Schools
Spring Assessment Reminders:
Make-up testing begins at 8:15 on each of these two days.
Wednesday, May 5th:
Grades 8 & 9 PSAT MAKE-UP DAY (approx. 3 hrs.)
Thursday, May 6:
Grade 10 PSAT - MAKE-UP DAY (approx. 3.5 hrs.)
over 3 years ago, Menominee Jr/Sr High School
Just a friendly reminder that there is no school tomorrow (May 4th). Please enjoy your day off; we'll see you back in school on Wednesday.
Blesch will be holding a virtual talent show on Thursday, May 13th starting at 1:00 P.M for all students and staff. All students who are interested in participating should submit a 1 to 1 ½ minute video of their talent to brunellej@gomaroons.org. All videos are due no later than Monday, May 10th at 1:00 P.M. Only school appropriate videos will be featured in the virtual talent show. We ask that students only submit one video; whether it is individually or as part of a group. When submitting the video please include the student’s name and grade in the subject line of the email. We are open to all sorts of talents and encourage all student to participate. Students will be allowed to bring an individual snack into the classroom to eat while the show is taking place. If you have any question please contact Mrs. Brunelle or Mr. Martin at 906-863-4466.
Just a reminder that tomorrow (April 22nd ) is an early release day. Principals have already communicated specific dismissal times as well as lunch information. There is a regular full day of school on Friday, April 23rd.